Thursday, April 24, 2008


this message is so true...especially the colored and the larger

1. guys are more emotional than u
think, if they loved u at now point,
it will take them a lot longer than u
think to let u go…and it hurts every
seconds tat they try…

2. guys may be flirting around
all day but be4 they go to bed, they
always think about the girl tat they
truly cares bout…

3. guys go crazy over a girl’s

4. guys will do anything just to
get your attention…

5. guys hate it when u talk bout
your ex or your ex’s interest, unless
they are going for the let-her-
wonderful-u-are method…

6. a guy who likes u wants to be
de only guy tat u talk to…

7. boyfriends need to be
reassured often tat they are still
been loved…

8. guys are more emotional than
they had like people to think…

9. giving a guy a hanging message
like ‘u know what ?! uh…never mind
already…’ would make him jump to a
conclusion tat is far from what u are
thinking. And he will assume he did
something wrong and he will about it
trying to figure it out…

10. girls are guys weakness…

11. guys are very open about

12. if a guy tell u bout his
problem, means he just needs some1 to
listen to him. U don need to give

13. a usual act tat proves tat the
guy likes u is when he teases u…

14. guys love u more than u love
them if they are serious in your

15. guys use words like hot or
cute to describe girls, they rarely us
beautiful, if a guy uses tat, he likes
u a lot…

16. guys worry bout the thin line
between being compassionate and

17. guys think WAY too much…1
small thing a girl does, even if she
does not notice it can make the guy
think bout it for hours, trying to
figure out what it means…

18. if the guy does something
stupid in front of a girl, he will
think bout it for the next couple days
or until the next time he spend time
with the girl…

19. if a guy say he is going crazy
bout a girl, he really is…guys really
say tat…

20. when a guy ask u to leave him
alone, he is saying, ‘please come and
listen to me…’

21. if a guy start to talk
seriously, listen to him…it does not
happen often, so when it happen means
something is up…

22. if a guy looks unusually calm
and laid back, he is probably faking
it and is struggling inside…

23. when a guy tell u tat u are
beautiful, don said u are not…it makes
them want to stop telling you cause
they don want you to disagree with

24. a guy has more problems than u
can see with your naked eyes…

25. don be snob…guys can be
intimidated and give up easily…

26. guys talk bout girls more than
girls talk bout guys…

27. guys really think tat girls
are strange and have unpredictable
decisions and are mad confusing but
somehow are drawn even more to them…

28. a guy would give his left nut
to be able to read a girl’s mind for a

29. no guy can handle his problem
on his own…he is just too stubborn to
admit it…

30. when a guy look at u for a
longer time, he definitely thinking
bout something…

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